Hollywood stars who love cupping. Recently, a photo of Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson undergoing cupping therapy for the first time in his life, was released on SNS and received great attention. Unlike the appearance of his health, he had several major surgeries for a herniated disc, muscle rupture, Achilles tendon rupture, etc.,and many fans were sorry for revealing that his body had been completely damaged after that. He announced that he got cupping therapy for the first time for the treatment of the back and back muscles. Also, Michael Phelps, who participated in the Olympics after receiving cupping therapy at the last Rio Olympics, became a hot topic. This is because there were many people around the world who wondered what the purple mark on his body was. This mark on the body is a cupping mark, which is very familiar to Asians, but it seems that it was not to other people. This is a treatment he has been receiving for years to help relax his muscles and ease soreness. ...